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【1/25(木)19:00~Online】Stop Burning Our Rights: Interactive and Participatory Youth Workshop on Climate Change and Human Rights!



【1/25(木)19:00~Online】Stop Burning Our Rights: Interactive and Participatory Youth Workshop on Climate Change and Human Rights!
* このワークショップは全て英語で行います。

People suffering from heat waves in Canada, drought in Europe, floods in Pakistan, and super typhoons in Japan – the impacts of climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels are getting more extreme and more dangerous for us. Science has been unequivocal on this matter for a long time. However, the leaders of politics and corporations of most nations have not acted with a commensurate sense of urgency and instead continue to sell our planet for a few rich people’s short-term profits.

But there is hope! If all of us join forces, we can still effectively mitigate further dangerous climate change! Together, we have the power to create a world with cleaner air and water, better health and well-being and more justice among us! Join us to learn more about climate change, how it connects to our daily lives and human rights and what we can all do to make a difference!

In this workshop, you will learn:
・Why climate change is happening and the results and consequences of its impacts on us humans
・What human rights are, why they matter to all of us, who is most vulnerable to climate change, who is most responsible for it, and how climate change is threatening our basic rights
・How to effectively take creative and fun action with like-minded people to enact the change for a better and fairer world for us to live in

This workshop will be interactive and participatory, meaning it won’t be one of those boring one-way lectures. Instead, you will be able to actively learn from your peers as well as your teachers.

Furthermore, right after the workshop, we will hold our regular Casual Climate Cafe, where we will discuss a different topic each time. Here, you will also have the opportunity to meet other members, have a discussion, and exchange opinions. The topics are set by our members themselves, and you are more than welcome to propose and/or present on a climate justice related topic that you would like to touch on! We would be super happy if you would stay after the workshop and chat with us!

・19:00-20:30:Interactive and participatory workshop on climate change and human rights
・20:30-21:30:Casual Climate Cafe (topic to be announced later via email)

■ Date:Thursday, 25 January 2024, 19:00-21:30
■ Place:Online:Zoom
■ Who:Anyone between the age of 16-30 interested in the issue of climate change and human rights. This workshop will be held in English. We recommend that participants have at least a conversational level of English. Please contact us if you are unsure if your level of English is sufficient to participate.
■ Number of participants:Maximum of 20 people
■ Language:English
■ Fee:Free of charge

Please register for the workshop through the form below.

* After registering, you will receive an email from us whether your participation in this workshop has been approved. This should come a couple of days after you register. Looking forward to seeing you!

<Speaker profile>

■Aya Osawa
Intern with Amnesty International Japan, currently pursuing studies at International Christian University (Japan) with law (major) / development studies (minor). Studied at Durham University (UK) on a one-year exchange programme, during which she became involved as a student member of Amnesty International Durham University Branch. Her study focuses on international human rights, international law, peace and development. A founding member of GPE (Global Partnership for Education) Youth Ambassador Japan.

■Bjoern Schimkat
Campaigns Coordinator with Amnesty International Japan. Born in 1981 in Germany, resident of Japan since 2007. Master of Science in climate change and development from SOAS/University of London. Working with Amnesty since 2017. He is in charge of climate change and human rights, urgent human rights issues and youth activism.



FROM | 聖心女子大学グローバル共生研究所















