Accelerating the SDGs Monitoring and Implementation Actions Using SDG16+
目的 | ・SDG16+に関するCSO主導の市民によるデータについての理解の共有 ・SDG16+の国・地域レベルの指標の探求 ・国・地域・世界レベルでの共同アドボカシー計画立案 ・SDG16+をモニターするためのデータの作成・利用におけるギャップに対処するための経験、サクセスストーリー、障害、機会の交換 |
日時 | 2021年7月7日(水) 東部夏時間(EDT)07:30-09:00/日本時間(JST)20:30-22:00 |
形式 | オンライン開催(zoomを使用) |
使用言語 | 英語 |
対象 | SDGs16+のモニタリングに関連する重要な課題に取り組む政府、 市民社会、国連機関の専門家 |
申込 | ※開催直前まで受け付け |
プログラム | Opening Remarks -Representative of Govt. of Nepal
Panel – I, Integrating SDG 16 Plus with Human Rights at global level Moderator – Jyotsna Mohan, Regional Coordinator, ADA Panellists -John Romano, Global Coordinator, TAP Network -Deirdre De BURCA, Advocacy Co-ordinator, Forus -Katherine Liao, OHCHR ・Opening Question: TAP Network: What are the global trends in SDG 16 Plus in past 5 years based on TAP’s experience as a global network? Forus: Having worked on enabling environment for civil society over many years, why do you think addressing SDG 16 plus is relevant for CSOs everywhere? OHCHR: How effectively does SDG 16 + address human rights issues from OHCHR’s perspective ? ・Second Question: How relevant and important will SDG 16 Plus be in terms of advancing progress in the areas of peace, governance, accountability, transparency, and civic space by 2030? What are the key challenges and opportunities?
PANEL -II, Assessing The National and Regional Trends of SDG16+ over past 5 years Moderator – Denison Jayasooria, Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance Monitoring and Implementation of SDGs 16 Plus at the regional level , what are the main trends and recommendations? – Asia Development Alliance (ADA) What are the challenges in the monitoring and implementation of SDG 16 Plus in your countries Govt. of Malaysia, South Korea and Nepal -Mr Jerald Joseph (Human Rights Commissioner, Malaysia) What is the role of CSOs in monitoring and implementation of SDG 16+ (CSOs of Malaysia, South Korea, Japan and Nepal) -Hon Maria Chin Abdullah, Member of Parliament, Malaysia & Deputy Chair All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on SDG (APPGM SDG) -Aoi Horiuchi, Senior Advocacy Officer, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation ・3 key recommendations to accelerate SDG 16 plus action in your country ・Q&A from the Floor
Q&A from the Floor Closing Remarks – Representative from Govt of Nepal |
共催 | National Planning Commission of Nepal, Asia Development Alliance (ADA, Forus International, TAP Network, Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) |
参考 | Asia Development Alliance Website |
Why the multi-stakeholder engagement & capacity building commitments of SDG 17 should be prioritised in the Asia-Pacific Region
目的 | このサイドイベントでは、「行動の10年」におけるSDG17およびその他すべてのSDGsの達成に向けて、複数のステークホルダーグループの能力強化をどのように進めていくか、また、COVID-19パンデミック後の「Building Back Better(より良い復興)の戦略をどのように推進していくかに焦点を当てます。 |
日時 | 2021年7月9日(金) 東部夏時間(EDT)07:30-09:00/日本時間(JST)20:30-22:00 |
形式 | オンライン開催(zoomを使用) |
使用言語 | 英語、フランス語、スペイン語 |
対象 | SDGs17のモニタリングに関連する重要な課題に取り組む政府、 市民社会、国連機関の関係者 |
申込 | ※開催直前まで受け付け |
プログラム | ■ 7:30-8:05(日本時間:20:30-21:05)
Setting the Scene – what progress is being made in implementing the Multi-Stakeholder capacity building commitments of SDG 17 globally and across Asia? (Moderator: Akio Takayanagi, Policy Advisor at JANIC) Speakers: -Oh, Hyunjoo, H.E. Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Hon Dato Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Chair APPGM SDG, Member of the Parliament of Malaysia & former Cabinet Minister (2013-2018) Natalja Wehmer, Economic Affairs Officer at the ESCAP Subregional Office for North and Central Asia Deirdre de Burca, Advocacy Coordinator at Forus ■ 8:05-9:00(日本時間:21:05-22:00) SECOND PANEL – Civil Society perspectives on the implementation of SDG 17’s commitments on multi-stakeholder capacity building across Asia. (Moderator: Dr. Denison Jayasooria, Co-chair of the Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance) Speakers: -Anthony Tan, CSO representative from the Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance -Aoi Horiuchi, Senior Advocacy Officer, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) -Jyostna Mohan, Regional Coordinator at the Asia Development Alliance (ADA) -Shin, Jaeeun, Director of Policy Education Center at the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC) |
共催 | All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG), Economic Planning Unit of the Government of Malaysia, the Government of Japan, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Asia Development Alliance (ADA), Forus International, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC) and the Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance |
特定非営利活動法人 国際協力NGOセンター(JANIC)